Fun Face of Science
and Maths with Games
The main aim of the project
Nowadays less and less pupils choose natural science subjects during higher educations. There are fewer teachers of natural sciences (biology, physics, chemistry, geography). Interest has shifted into the direction of humanities. This fact is proven by survey results published also by European Schoolnet. The flow and exchange of information became faster. The pupils spend more and more time on digital and virtual environment. They are under-motivated regarding learning because of the old learning and teaching methods. We need a new methods of teaching and learning. The students spend a lot of time playing computer games. We would like to have these facts to be of service of learning. We would like to awaken their interests for subjects of natural science. We organize such activities for them, where they would get to know the scientific phenomena in a playful way, by experimenting and discovering. With the help of ICT tools we can create an online learning community without boundaries. We devote a big role for games in teaching and learning. On the one hand we improve their social, problem-solving logical thinking abilities, their success-failur tolerating skills with the help of games, and on the other hand we exploit its motivating power. During the resolutions of the tasks the pupils are progressing according to their own abilities, they get scores, virtual money or they collect badges and get up to a higher level according to their performance. During the visits every international virtual community reports the tasks accomplished, and presents its work. We create the tasks from everyday life, this way they can get closer to the world of work, and life-long-learning. During completing these tasks our aim is to eliminate the boundaries between the different subjects. We concentrate on non-formal and informal learning methods and events. We would like to increase the students' interest for science and maths, to try different ways for teaching and learning. We would like to develop 21st century skills for the students and their educators. We would like to make our educational staff aware of the new teaching and learning methods of Science and Maths. We would like to contribute to the quality of the education in the EU with sharing good practices, producing new techniques and methods to teach Science and Maths in a fun and exciting way. The target group is 14-15 years old students from all participated institutions.
Cooperating Institutions
Kállósemjéni Diákokért és Ifjakért Egyesület Magyarország - Kállósemjén
Elazığ Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi
Turkey- Izmir
"St.St.Cyril and Methodius"PS
Bulgari - Kamen
Scoala Gimnaziala Margina
Románia - Margina
Gimnazjum im. Integracji EuropejskiejPoland- Tarnowo Podgorne